The Bold Færeld




fareld, færelt, es; n. [fær a going, faran to go] .I. a way, going, motion, journey, course, passage, progress, expedition, company, one who accompanies in the journey of life

My sweet Færeld, Even now, her scent lingers
memories touch upon the smallest place in my heart
disquiet replaces the peace

She has gone again a-journeying
brilliant and sparkling
and I am thrilled to know it

the twin fawns visited me
in the garden at dusk
just after she left

they felt my grief, my delight
their spots, in the evening light
helped me remember

The tears prick my eyes
gazing on a photo of her
sleeping on a table as a baby

Reaching far into my happiness
to pull some comfort over me
on this chilly night

I will dream the dreams
of Motherhood,
of this darling girl

there upon my knee
close upon my hip
wrapped safe by my heart

breathing in the same scent
from the soft hair upon her
dear baby head

holding tenderly that
prescient moment
that spark

This is the air
that Mothers live upon
the thin air of love

heady in it’s slender breath
sweet, green scented possibility
like fresh cut flowers’ stems

A deep draft of it
is what’s needed to brave the storm
to brave the separation

To revel in the marvelous
in spite of solitude
to deeply inhale

the dear baby’s scent
and to realize, with delight
the woman.

Make a bold Færeld my Love
journey safe, be well always
and follow your feet home again one day.


About sauviloquy

An observer of character, a voyeur of the human condition, an enthusiast for word as art, and an avowed optimist.
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